Sunday, March 22, 2009

" Two Feet and Rising!"

Flooding & Flash Flood
National Flood Safety Awareness week at FloodSmart.Gov (March 15-22, 2009) has just passed but it looks like we need to be aware for a little while longer.

Turn Around, Don't drown!

Floods & Flash Flooding - On the surface the river of water may look calm but the power lies beneath the surface.
If you are ever swept into the water (may that never happen) look for something to grab on to or float with, look for a way out! Remember it ain't over until the water buffalo sings.

Trapped in a car? Look for away out. Ships float, Cars don't!

Flood Facts that will Move You

Flash floods are the top weather-related killer in the U.S.

6 inches of swift flowing water will knock you off your feet.

18 inches of swift flowing water will effectively move your car...down the road.

View a 30 Second Swift Water Public Service Announcement

Having trouble viewing this video?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Garbagemen, Our Everyday Heroes!

What? Garbagemen? Absolutely!

Garbagemen keep our cities and towns clean, free of disease and other unwelcome things.

Unable to walk
because your sidewalk is blocked.

Unable to play
because the ground has turned a muddy gray.

What is that water in your cup?

Brown and floating with gunk?

Your garbageman allows you to enjoy the smells of spring,
without the odor enhancement of other things.

So the next time you see the man,
picking up that garbage can.

Give a smile and say thank you
because it's with determination that he deals with the stank and goo.

P.S. They even go the extra mile by attaching a snowplow to their machine
to keep the streets clear and clean.

Thank you guys for your hard work!