Friday, December 31, 2010

Puerto Rico tembló más de 1,600 veces en el 2010

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Noticias -

Online Puerto Rico Seismic Network en Inglés y Español (RED Sismica):

SAN JUAN- En el 2010 América Latina y el Caribe fueron testigos de grandes movimientos telúricos y Puerto Rico no fue excepción. La Red Sísmica de la Isla reportó 1,671 temblores hasta el 29 de diciembre.

Sin embargo no es el año con mayor número de sismo registrados, en el 2009 la tierra se movió 2,739, lo que representa una diferencia de1,068 temblores. Lo que este año cambió según la geóloga Lillian Soto, fue el número de terremotos sentidos por las personas; en este año 68 movimientos fueron reportados como sentidos y en 2009 sólo 23 de ellos.

“En noviembre tuvimos eventos de enjambre. Varios sismos se sintieron y estuvieron ubicados en la región conocida como la Falla de los 19 grados, al norte del País”, señaló Soto en entrevista con el periódico El Nuevo Día.

En diciembre solamente se han reportado en la Isla 80 movimientos telúricos, de los cuales sólo siete han sido sentidos por los puertorriqueños. El último sismo y de mayor magnitud tuvo lugar el pasado 24 de diciembre durante Nochebuena, fue un temblor de magnitud de 5.4 en la escala de Richter y su epicentro se ubicó en el municipio de Aguas Buenas.

Ninguno de los sismos provocó grandes daños o pérdida de vida humana, tampoco representaron peligro de tsunami para la Isla.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Increasing Threat of Terrorism

Know What To Do

Recognizing the 8 Signs of Terrorism

Additional Links and Information:
Recognize the 8 signs of terrorism - A video produced by The Cell in partnership with the Governor's Office of Homeland Security, Department of Agriculture and the Colorado Information Analysis Center - Hosted by John Elway

Video Landing Page:

Report Suspicious Activity: Dial 9-1-1

The Cell-Terrorism Information and Prevention Resource for the Public, Media and Educators:

Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC):

Dept of Homeland Security-Counterterrorism:

Disclaimer: "I have no claim on this video. All rights reserved by copyright owners"

Heavy Rain Triggers Massive Phone Outage - KNX1070AM Los Angeles Podcast

Heavy Rain Triggers Massive Phone Outage - Select to Read and listen to the news story

New Year's Eve Fire Warning for Southern Australia - Australian News

View Larger Map

Select the link below to check the Fire Danger in your District:

Read the story:

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 5, 2010 Gulf Oil Spoil Damaging More Than the Environment

Gulf oil spill takes emotional toll on residents - Mental health experts say growing anxiety over the Gulf oil leak is taking a toll on those who make a living on its waters. 
NBC's Kerry Sanders reports from Louisiana. - Prepare4 Media NBC News Clip 

July 6, 2010 Weather Threatens Gulf of Mexico Region

Cyclone Strength Storm, A tropical wave in the eastern Caribbean south of the Gulf Region.
As the Northeast heats up the heat is on to speed up the oil recovery efforts in the Gulf before the next storm disrupts the area.
Prepare4 Media edited NBC Nightly News Clip

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Are You Covered?, Get Informed Before the Next Storm

Your Home

“Am I covered for that?” Many were asking themselves that question last week while the rain and trees were falling on county roads and homes. Some storms cause damage to our property AND our wallets so as you are filling up those sandbags fill out an insurance policy that will cover and protect you from storm damage.

The Calm before the Storm

“Sure, I’m calm I’ve got home owners insurance and that covers everything!” Well, your homeowner’s insurance policy does cover many of the everyday risks a homeowner faces but surface water damage caused by the rain entering through the hole in the roof is not covered, this type of damage along with damage caused by flood waters needs to be addressed by a separate surface water/flood policy.

A word to the wise:
If you live down slope from a recently burned out area you may want to take out a flood insurance policy. Burn areas do not have the vegetation needed to hold the hill together therefore water and other debris will rush down unabated onto property and into your house.

“In the Flooded Plains”
If you know that you live in a flood plain (Tijuana River Basin, Mission Valley-San Diego River Area, etc) you also know that you can get flood insurance.

But what if you don’t know? Please find out.

There are a number of resources you can go to for information, you can ask your insurance agent or broker, the Federal Government sponsors the website, This site will give you information about flooding, flood risks, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), preparation and recovery, maps, etc.

Know before the flood waters flow!

Get Storm Ready

Being storm ready also means that you are “claim ready”.

Most insurance companies suggest that you take pictures or better yet a video of your entire house, inside and out, and it is recommended that you do this every two or three years. If you don’t have pictures or video do you have receipts, serial numbers or other documents proving ownership of the items that you have listed on your claim? If your claim states that your 3 - 42 inch plasma televisions were destroyed by the tree that landed in your living room they will ask you to provide some sort of proof. Being claim ready is also helpful when other “storms” occur such as a house fire, burglary, wildland fire or earthquake.

Now, once you have made your Claim Ready file store a copy of it off-site like in a safety deposit box or somewhere where it will be safe, secure and easily accessible because even if your home is destroyed your documents won’t be.

Your SUV is not a USV (Underwater Submersible Vehicle)

If you decide to drive around DPW barricades warning of flooded roads or through water of an unknown depth get ready to be chest deep into trouble. If you have comprehensive auto insurance you will be covered for the damage and the cost of “fishing” your vehicle out of the water. Depending on your insurance company this “stupidity factor” may or may not raise your premiums but it certainly will put your agent on notice in regards to your driving. You have liability only? well, better invest in a USV.

Garaged Vehicles

Make sure that the '65 Ford Mustang that you are restoring to cherry like condition for rolls down El Cajon Boulevard on a July evening has its own comprehensive insurance policy, running or not! Homeowners insurance will not cover damage to the car if the tree that is in your living room entered by way of the garage.

Before the Next Storm

So now you have been informed

That before the next storm

Take a moment and see

If you are covered by the right insurance policy.